by admin


  • Above: Interblock’s 3-Sided Center Display, 8-Seat “Organic Craps” Notice that the Interblock pictures have three dice in the bubble. The machine is designed so the casino can determine whether to set it strictly for craps (which uses two dice), or to include the game of sic bo (which uses three dice).
  • A Gee Whiz is a good starting point for a $10 better making a pass line bet with odds then making two come bets with odds. If after these three bets your 6 and 8 are not covered then just place them.
  • New Players is a craps forum section where people can introduce themselves to the rest of the forum members. This section can also be a place where new craps players might want to ask questions of more experienced players. Advanced Craps Play can be a section where the craps high rollers and pros share tips with one another.
Discussion about all things craps, except dice setting.

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John Patrick Craps Forum


Topic Statistics

There are various betting strategy and systems used in Craps gambling. The biggest fallacy is that using systems swings the odds in your favour. In the Casino game of Craps (Bank Craps) all the bets are in the house’s favour. Although you can place large Free Odds bets to insure your losses and reduce the house’s edge, this also reduces the amount you can win. Remember that to place Free Odds bets (0% house edge) you need to have placed a Pass/Don’t Pass Line bet, meaning the overall odds are still negative value.

The Paroli System

Craps Forum For Winners

This is my favourite system for Craps. It is a positive progressive betting system where you increase your bets after winning, but decrease your bets when you lose. The advantage is that is never forces you to wager more money than your starting bet.

BetOutcomeNet Win

The Martingale System

This is the system most players are familiar with. It involves placing 50/50 bets in craps such as the Pass Line/Don’t Pass. When you lose, you double your wager next time. E.g. lose $5, bet $10.
The Martingal system is very dangerous however. Just like doubling up in Blackjack, you can end up making massive wagers after just a few losses. On average, every 4 hours you’ll lose 9 coin flips in a row. This equates to making a $1,280 wager from starting at $5 and losing 9 times.

The Iron Cross Betting System

The Iron Cross system isn’t really it a system at all. It involves placing a series of specific Free Odds and Field bets so that the House edge is minimised. It works by placing a field bet and a bet on the numbers 5, 6 and 8. (The field bet pays 1:1 when the dice lands on a 3,4,9,10,11 and 2:1 on 2 or 12). Basically you win on any number other than 7, meaning you win 80% of the time.

The problem with this system is that it isn’t technically profitable. Although you’re guaranteed to win 80% of the time, you lose all of your bets if the dice rolls a 7 which means the house maintains an edge of about 4% overall.

The Twelve-Dollar 6 and 8 System in Craps

Let’s wrap up the systems to use by giving you one that I believe everybody should adopt. It is based on the following truths:

  1. Most craps players like to bet “right”
  2. Most right players (90 percent) prefer the 6 and 8 as their place numbers
  3. Most players in a casino have restricted bankrolls

That last statement means that the average bankroll for 80 percent of all players is approximately $300. That is a lot of money in the real world, but small by the standards of playing tables with $5 minimums.

When you break that $300 into sessions, and you should – you know that by now – you have $100 to bring to battle. When you set a loss limit at 50 percent, as you also should, it’s obvious you’re restricted as to the moves you can make, but that happens to be the reality of gambling.

You know all the pluses for this play, so let’s go over the negatives:

  1. You aren’t going to buy that yacht you had your heart set on from these winnings
  2. You aren’t going to retire at age twenty-six with a million dollars in the bank
  3. You aren’t going to be hailed as the most aggressive player who ever stepped up to a table

Finally, a few reminders:

  1. Chart the tables to find a game kicking off 6s and 8s
  2. Set loss limits (no more than 50 percent)
  3. Restrict your losing series to three in succession
  4. Accept small returns

Craps Formula

If every single, solitary craps player in the world used this system in the casinos for one month, I wonder what the casinos would do. Try it, you’ll see. You can do so with a $22 NO DEPOSIT Bonus From SlotsLV Casino – CLICK HERE